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‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ says the Lord. ‘Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.’

At a very sad time...

God’s love and power extend over all creation. Every life, including our own, is precious to God. Christians have always believed that there is hope in death as in life, and that there is new life in Christ after death.


Even those who share such faith find that there is a real sense of loss at the death of a loved one. We will each have had our own experiences of their life and death, with different memories and different feelings of love, grief and respect. To acknowledge this at the beginning of the service should help us to use this occasion to express our faith and our feelings as we say farewell, to acknowledge our loss and our sorrow, and to reflect on our own mortality. Those who mourn need support and consolation. 


In the Revel Group of Churches we are privileged to be invited to share in the sad as well as the happy times.


We're here when you need us...

If you would like a funeral of your loved one in a Revel Group church please 

- talk to your funeral director  or
- contact Rev Martin b
y email or phone  01788 726587.

-  or speak to the churchwarden.

© 2024 by The Revel Group of Churches.   

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